Aspire Together: The South West Regional Talent Board


Talent Management and development is a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Aspire Together took its lead from Developing People: Improving Care, the agreed framework for developing improvement and leadership capability in the NHS. This set out five conditions for success. One of these is to equip leaders to develop high quality health and care systems in partnership, collaborating with partners across boundaries to achieve system goals. Another is to ensure compassionate, inclusive and effective leaders at all levels.

The South West Regional Talent Board aims to bring these conditions to life and has been developing Aspire Together’s programme of work in collaboration with key organisation’s across the South West. The South West Regional Talent Board aims to bring these conditions to life.

Our vision is to create the conditions for our talented people in health and care to reach their individual potential. We will maximise our collective impact for improvement through inclusive, holistic approaches and embracing the diversity of opportunity within the South West.  

The ambition for the South West Regional Talent Board is to enable a high quality, sustainable approach to identify, develop, support and deploy leaders, in partnerships and at all levels, to produce a compassionate, inclusive leadership culture with patients and local communities at its heart.

This will be achieved through embedding good practice, inclusive cultures and talent management interventions in all organisations.

Talent management will be owned and valued by the whole system and coordinated by the Regional Talent Board. Organisations will embrace a collaborative approach, share real-time data on vacancies and demand and support regional talent pipelines.

The South West Regional Board first met formally in September 2018 and is the third Regional Talent Board to be established across the country. The Board is focused on a number of key work streams as shown below.

What will success look like?

1) A culture of collaboration

A key aim of the Regional Talent Board is to create a culture where talent management is owned and valued by the whole system, and where NHS organisations are collaborating – rather than competing amongst themselves – for talent. This is a culture where staff at every level can see opportunities to fulfil their potential. We are working closely with trusts and CCGs across the region to make this happen.

2) Talent pool

We are starting with our senior leaders. We want to see a more systemised approach to how we nurture our existing and aspirant leaders within the system, sharing opportunities and talent between organisations. Selected individuals will have the opportunity to become part of a regional talent pool with rigour, consistency and transparency and diversity at its heart. This will give organisations a quality assured pool of candidates from which to select when appointing to board and governing body level posts.

3) Visibility of talent

Through the development of robust data, we want to be able to improve the ways we balance demand (immediate and predicted vacancies) and supply (the individuals available and their readiness to fill the post.) Once we understand the leadership potential that is already out there in the system, we can showcase this to organisations across the NHS, helping to keep hiring costs to a minimum.

Download our vision for talent management

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Find out more about the Regional Talent Boards.

Access the Talent Pool – for organisations.