Current research

Theme 1: Leadership for inclusion

We are working on the following research areas within this theme:

  • Developing equal access to leadership posts in the NHS
  • Learning from health and care providers abroad about interventions that improve equality and diversity within leadership roles
  • Supporting development and aspiration of colleagues from transgender community
Research titlescopeExpected completion date
Tackling Health Inequalities – the response by ICSs and the implications for leaders and leadershipSeptember 2021
What are the mechanisms for developing equal access to, and career progression through, leadership posts in the NHS?January 2022
What can the NHS learn from healthcare providers abroad regarding interventions designed to improve equality and diversity within leadership roles?Spring 2022
What are the approaches to effectively address racism through leadership education and action?Spring 2022
How can NHS leaders best support the development and aspiration of colleagues within our transgender community?Summer 2022

If you’d like to find out more about any of the above research, please contact us.

Theme 2: Innovation and future leadership

We are working on the following research areas within this theme:

  • Systemic review
  • Leadership qualities and skills needed to nurture partnerships, collaboration and networks between public, private and voluntary sectors to benefit local communities
  • How can leaders support workforce to spearhead and promote activism amongst staff
  • Implications for leaders and leaderships of moving towards Net Zero for the NHS
Research titleExpected completion date
Rapid Review into Systems Leadership – what is the current state of research on systems leadership in healthcare and what are the gaps?February 2022
What qualities and skills do leaders in anchor organisations need to effectively nurture partnerships, foster collaboration, and build networks between public, private, and voluntary sectors to maximise the opportunities and benefits for local communities?February 2022
What can leaders in health and care do to mobilise and empower the workforce to spearhead and promote activism proactive change amongst all staff?Spring 2022
What are the implications for leaders and leadership of moving towards Net Zero for the NHS?Spring 2022

If you’d like to find out more about any of the above research, please contact us.

Theme 3: Leadership in a digital world

We are working on the following research areas within this theme:

Research titleExpected completion date
E-Development design in LeadershipSeptember 2021
What are the gaps in data literacy in Health and Care leaders and what training requirements will support evidence use in decision making?December 2021
What mechanisms can be used to build effectiveness and efficiency when working remotely or with new technologies?February 2022