Key Information


Cohort Details

Successful participants will be allocated to either group A or B for their chosen cohort and must be able to attend all dates for that group along with the foundations workshop and looking to the future workshops. We do not offer workshop or Impact Group date swaps.

Cohort 47 (FULL)

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 24 July 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 21 – 22 August 2024
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 16 September 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 30 September 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 13 November 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 16 December 2024
    • Impact Group 4: 29 January 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 17 September 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 1 October 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 14 November 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 17 December 2024
    • Impact Group 4: 30 January 2024
  • Looking to the future workshop: 12 March 2025
  • Ends: 24 April 2025

Cohort 48 (FULL)

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 7 August 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 4 – 5 September 2024
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 26 September 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 16 October 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 27 November 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 13 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 26 February 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 27 September 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 17 October 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 28 November 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 14 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 28 February 2025
  • Looking to the future workshop: 14 April 2025
  • Ends: 26 May 2025

Cohort 49

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 21 August 2024
  • Foundations Workshops: 18 – 19 September
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 7 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 28 October 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 9 December 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 22 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 5 March 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 8 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 29 October 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 10 December 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 23 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 6 March 2024
  • Looking to the future workshop: 17 April 2025
  • Ends: 29 May 2025

Cohort 50

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 26 August 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 23 – 24 September 2024
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 9 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 4 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 18 December 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 27 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 10 March 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 10 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 5 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 19 December 2024
    • Impact Group 3: 28 January 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 11 March 2025
  • Looking to the future workshop: 28 April 2025
  • Ends: 12 June 2025

Cohort 51 (FULL)

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 4 September 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 2 – 3 October 2024
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 24 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 11 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 6 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 19 February 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 2 April 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 25 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 12 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 7 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 20 February 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 3 April 20205
  • Looking to the future workshop: 14 May 2025
  • Ends: 26 June 2025

Cohort 52

  • Delivery Method: Virtual except the Foundations Workshop to be delivered in person
  • Virtual Campus start: 9 September 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 7 – 8 of October 2024 (to be delivered in person at Sedgebrook hall, Northampton) 
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 30 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 18 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 8 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 17 February 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 2 April 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 31 October 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 19 November 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 9 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 18 February 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 3 April 2025
  • Looking to the future workshop: 14 May 2025
  • Ends: 26 June 2025

Cohort 53 (FULL)

  • Delivery Method: Virtual
  • Virtual Campus start: 23 September 2024
  • Foundations Workshop: 23 – 24 of October 2024
  • Impact Group A
    • Impact Group 0: 11 November 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 4 December 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 13 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 26 February2025
    • Impact Group 4: 7 April 2025
  • Impact Group B
    • Impact Group 0: 12 November 2024
    • Impact Group 1: 5 December 2024
    • Impact Group 2: 14 January 2025
    • Impact Group 3: 27 February 2025
    • Impact Group 4: 8 April 2025
  • Looking to the future workshop: 21 May 2025
  • Ends: 3 July 2025

How you will learn

The programme lasts nine months and incorporates blended learning with mandatory and comprehensive online learning, virtual workshops and small group work, including:

  • 6 online modules of learning
  • 8 days of experiential workshops (currently delivered virtually) – including small group work
  • Approximately 120 hours of online study
  • Submission of a 5,000-word written assessment

For detailed information on programme, structure click here.

Programme cost

The Rosalind Franklin programme costs £1,200 per person, fully inclusive of all delivery and access to the virtual campus.

Key benefits

Individual benefits:

  • Deeper and clearer sense of who you are, your strengths and development areas – strengthening your existing leadership practice and improving your personal impact
  • New ideas about how best to work with others through change – understanding different leadership approaches and challenges related to change
  • Working with several analytical tools to more deeply understand the challenges you are currently facing
  • Increased adaptability and readiness to meet the demands of senior leadership within the challenging, transforming environment of the health and care system
  • Deeper understanding of the concept of being a systems leader and how that will require you to behave differently

Organisational benefits:

  • Improving the organisation’s success with participants bringing immediate positive and productive changes to their teams, services and service users in areas such as increasing staff morale, improving service user experience, effective service redesign, reduction of waste and more efficient use of resources
  • Developing participants to work more strategically with greater collaboration across large and complex programmes, departments, services and systems of care, leading to less waste and more efficient use of resources
  • Increasing the number of compassionate, inclusive, inspiring and innovative leaders in the organisation’s talent pipeline for better succession planning
  • Improved leadership practice has a greater positive impact on organisational culture, and inclusive, person-centred care

How to apply

It is important that your manager and organisation agree to support the commitments involved in the programme before you apply.

You will need to provide your details and write a personal statement, unique to this programme.

Your personal statement is an important part of your application and should explain why you’re interested in developing your leadership through this programme, and your relevant experience and provide a clear argument for why you should have a place.

Your statement should include the following:

  1. Tell us about your current role and the people/projects/kind of work you lead, demonstrating the complexities and challenges? (max 250 words)
  2. Tell us what you hope to be able to bring to the programme and how you’ll use your learning to help make a positive impact for both staff and patients/service users. (max 200 words)
  3. Why have you chosen this programme, why now, and what do you hope to achieve? (max 200 words)
  4. It is important that you begin the programme has already done some thinking about and exploring opportunities for, leading some real change in your workplace. What are you passionate about and hoping this programme will help you address in your work place? For example, this might directly affect patient care, could be related to your work culture, or a desire to support staff/team development. (max 250 words) 
  5. What arrangements will you make to create time to study for at least 15 – 20 hours a month? (max 100 words)

Please note, where we are oversubscribed for candidate interest, we reserve the right to close applications early for that cohort. In the first instance, places on the Rosalind Franklin programme will always be awarded on the merit of the applicant’s personal statement. Where we have a large number of applicants with equally strong personal statements, we will award places on a first-come, first serve basis.

We particularly encourage all colleagues from underrepresented groups to consider all our leadership development offers.

If you want to talk to us about your leadership development, please contact the programme team by email at [email protected].

Next: Apply online